Build your sunscreen routine this summer 🌞


With the weather heating up and many people spending more time outdoors, it is crucial to remember your sunscreen. It’s no secret that we are big supporters. We believe it’s the single most important thing you can do for your face. Most skin concerns people have, including lines, wrinkles, volume loss, and loose-looking skin are caused by sun damage. Sunscreen is an easy way to help protect yourself against the sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays that can lead to the previously mentioned skin damage, hyperpigmentation, or even skin cancer. 

If you’re not used to applying sunscreen regularly, you may have questions about coverage, type, and frequency. Here are a few things to keep in mind to build up a daily sunscreen routine that allows you to head out and enjoy beautiful summer weather. 


Pick a sunscreen that works

Sunscreen preference will vary from person to person. Look for something that you will want to apply to help you incorporate it into your everyday life. At a bare minimum, you will want to ensure your sunscreen has an SPF 30 or higher and is broad-spectrum. This will give coverage for both UVA and UVB rays. If you spend a lot of time being active or in the water, look for a water-resistant product. People with sensitive or acne-prone skin should be careful with their choices and may opt for a medical-grade sunscreen.

Wear a decent amount

One of the biggest problems when it comes to sunscreen application is the amount. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people only apply about 25 to 50 percent of the recommended amount of sunscreen. Your level of protection is directly related to the amount you put on your skin. The “correct” amount will vary based on your face shape, size of ears, height, and more. For your face, it is recommended to use roughly a quarter teaspoon or at least two finger lengths. When it comes to your body, make sure to apply enough to cover any exposed skin. Most adults need one ounce, think enough to fill a shot glass, for full coverage.


Reapply regularly

Putting on sunscreen once a day is a great start, but reapplying is the best approach for continued protection. We’ve been caught having too much fun outside and suffering the painful sunburn consequences later, on more than one occasion. To avoid the suffering and further skin damage reapply every two hours. Increase the frequency if you’re swimming or sweating according to the directions on your bottle.

Incorporate it into your daily routine

Wearing sunscreen protects you from developing signs of aging and other damage that could lead to hyperpigmentation or even skin cancer. It’s much easier to remember your sunscreen when you’re headed out to the beach or to bask in the sun with friends. But the sun’s rays don’t stop just because you’re doing everyday activities. UVA rays can penetrate windows. This means they could still put you at risk for signs of aging if your desk is located next to one. It is also likely that you’ll need to leave the house eventually. By incorporating sunscreen into your daily routine, you can ensure that you are as protected as possible, even when you have to run a quick errand.

Focus on less common areas

Some areas of the body are commonly missed during sunscreen application. Often this can include the back of your ears, hands, neck and feet. Next time you apply, see if you forget any of these areas. Make a goal for this summer to remember those key areas to avoid burns. We also recommend wearing a hat to protect your scalp and lip balm for your lips.


The best advice for sunscreen is to find one that works for you. Look for something that blends into your skin, doesn’t break you out and feels comfortable on you. If you meet the superficial requirements, you’ll find it easier to add to your daily routine. It will be less annoying to reapply. It’ll also ensure you likely won’t underapply and will opt to wear enough of it – which your future self will thank you for. 

Not sure where to start on finding the right sunscreen for you? We’re here to help answer any questions or give you some recommendations!


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