PRP Hair Restoration

Until August 31, 2024: Buy three treatments and we’ll include your first maintenance treatment for free.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a minimally-invasive treatment that can help improve hair count and thickness for people of all genders experiencing hair loss due to aging and some inflammatory conditions.

Plasma, a part of the blood rich in healing and growth factors, is injected directly into the scalp, triggering cell regeneration and shifting hair follicles into a more active growth phase. The result? Thicker hair and a healthier hair count.

  • To start, 3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

    To maintain, one treatment every 4-6 months to upkeep your results.

  • Scalp to improve both hair thickness and hair count by triggering cell regeneration and shifting hair follicles into a more active growth phase.

    Looking for Facial PRP? Tap here.

    Don’t see the area you’re looking for? Talk to our team!

  • $750 per treatment

    $2247 in a package of four (buy three, get your first maintenance treatment for free)

How to get started:

Book your first treatment, which will include a consultation to make sure the treatment is right for you. We recommend a series of three treatments 4-6 weeks apart for best results. You can pay at your first visit, or buy a package online.

How PRP Hair Restoration works for you

Ideal for

hair growth and thickness.

Doesn’t treat

full baldness, although it can help with certain types of alopecia.

Hair thinning

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) repairs and stimulates hair follicles by releasing growth factors and cytokines, increasing the number of hairs and the appearance of hair fullness 

Hair growth

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) speeds up the growth phase cycle of your hair, leaving more hairs in active phases and increasing the presence of visible hairs on the scalp

What to expect

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This treatment will start with a blood draw. The blood sample is then placed in a centrifuge and spun to separate the plasma from the red blood cells.

    Your provider will then inject the PRP to the treatment area using a microneedle injector device if you have short hair, or using a tiny needle if you have long hair. The Injection device improves comfort, ensures the PRP is injected in the optimal skin layer every time, and reduces the treatment time, getting you in and out in about 45 minutes.

  • PRP treatments will not require much downtime. Most people can resume their normal activities within 24 hours after having a PRP injection but there are a few things to be aware of during recovery..

    After your treatment, you may experience some redness and loss of sensation of the scalp for several hours. You may shampoo and condition your hair as normal within 4-5 hours of your treatment, though if you're able to wait until the following day this can further reduce any residual inflammation.

    Some people experience temporary hair shedding in the weeks following their PRP treatment – this is a normal response as the hair follicles cycle through their growth stages and push old hairs out of existing hair shafts, making room for thicker, more resilient hair.

  • New hair growth is usually visible 6-12 weeks following the third treatment.

    Most people see a reduction in shedding as soon as 4 weeks after their third treatment. New hair growth is usually visible 6-12 weeks following the third treatment.

    We do recommend pairing PRP with other hair loss treatments, as recommended by your family physician. Maintenance treatments are essential to keeping hair follicles in an optimal growth cycle.

  • PRP hair treatment is suitable for all genders suffering from hair loss, weak hair, and poor hair growth from androgenic alopecia (ie, "male" or "female" pattern hair loss). It can also be effective for anyone experiencing talogen effluvium or alopecia areata.

Not sure if this is the right treatment for you?

Come see us at 211 Ossington Avenue in Toronto, Ontario.

As part of your complimentary consultation, our team of physicians, nurses, and aestheticians will educate and personalize a treatment plan that’s right for you based on your goals, unique facial structure and skin tone.