Lumecca IPL

is a light-based treatment for improving sun damage, age spots, small veins, rosacea, and other skin irregularities.

Since most skin damage is from the sun, the most impactful Lumecca results will be seen on areas commonly exposed to sun: face, neck, hands, arms and décolletage (neckline). IPL is a shortened form of Intense Pulsed Light.

Lumecca is powerful

Most patients notice a significant improvement in the complexion and clarity of their skin after just 2 or 3 visits, as opposed to the 4-6 treatments you might expect with other IPL devices.

Minimal Downtime

There may be some redness and manageable tenderness in the hours following the treatment, but it shouldn’t prevent you from living your life. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight for at least 24 hours after your treatment!

What to Expect


Depending on the size of the treatment area, the treatment will last about 20-40 minutes. We always budget extra time before and after for questions and education!


Per Face Session: $375
Package of 3: $291 (per Session)

At least three treatments are recommended for best results.

Pricing for neck, chest, shoulders and hands is available by request. Get in touch!

  • You will see clearer, more brilliant skin after your first treatment, and the results will get better with subsequent treatments. We’ll help you decide how many treatments are right for you, but usually it’s between 2 and 3.

  • The skin will appear reddish for an hour or two after treatment. Dark spots will temporarily get darker after a successful treatment, but then will flake off within a week or two, revealing younger-looking skin.

  • Just like you, the experience of discomfort is unique. We do our best to make you as comfortable as possible during your procedure! There will be some discomfort during the treatment, but most people describe it as a quick sting. Very manageable!

  • Most people require very little downtime! There may be some redness and manageable tenderness in the hours following the treatment, but it shouldn’t prevent you from living your life. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight for at least 24 hours after your treatment!

  • No! This is normal and means that the treatment is successfully hit its target in the skin. The dark specks will typically flake away and resolve within a week or two.

  • We don’t recommend IPL for Melasma, as it can make the Melasma worse. We will assess your face before treatment, and we can avoid treating areas with Melasma.

  • Unfortunately, since our skin is constantly aging and being exposed to UV rays, the results won’t last forever. The most important thing you can do to elongate results is wear SPF every day and limit sun exposure! After your initial treatment period, maintenance sessions might look like a visit to Park once a year.

 Lumecca on the Blog