
creates tiny, controlled punctures, triggering your skin cells to boost collagen and elastin production. The result is a clearer complexion, tighter pores, and vibrant, younger-looking skin.

But we don’t stop there. We enhance the treatment with a serum tailored to your skin goals. Why? The micro-channels from microneedling enhance the skin's permeability, allowing our chosen serum to penetrate deeply, magnifying its benefits—be it hydration, brightening, or firming—and accelerating your skin's healing journey.

Your Microneedling Treatment—Step-By-Step


We’ll begin by understanding your skin concerns and the improvements you're aiming for. We'll determine if microneedling is the best approach for your needs and discuss a tailored treatment plan. The number of sessions may vary depending on your skin goals. We’ll address all your questions to ensure you're confident moving forward. Once ready, we'll schedule your treatment.


Microneedling usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. During the treatment, you might feel a series of subtle, pinpoint sensations as the device works its way across your skin, accompanied by a mild warmth. Though the feeling can be a bit unique, most find it quite manageable. After the procedure, tenderness and a slight redness resembling a sunburn might appear, but these typically fade as the skin starts its natural healing process.


A microneedling treatment plan usually involves a series of 3-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart to allow for optimal skin healing. After the initial series, maintenance treatments every 6-12 months are recommended to preserve and enhance the achieved results.

  • Following a microneedling treatment, it's common to experience redness, similar to a sunburn, and some skin tightness. These symptoms typically subside within a couple of days.

  • Some notice improvements as soon as a week after the first treatment, but significant results usually become visible after a few sessions.

  • You should avoid makeup for at least 24 hours after the procedure to prevent skin irritation.

  • While both treatments use microneedles, there are some differences.

    Morpheus8 RF energy deep into the dermis through its microneedles, heating the underlying layers of the skin. While it can address the same concerns as standard microneedling, its combination with RF makes it particularly effective for skin tightening. Click here to learn more about Morpheus8 RF Microneedling.