Meet Nurse Injector, Jade Tranter, RPN

We’re growing again!


We’re very excited to introduce you to the newest member of Park Medical—nurse injector Jade Tranter. With her experience in a wide variety of nursing roles, Jade fits perfectly into the team at Park. Her sharp skills and friendly personality mean that you can count on her for a kind, comfortable and safe treatment experience! 



Jade’s background in nursing has covered many roles including medical, emergency, outpatient community, surgical ward, and post-operative nursing. Through the variety of her career thus far, she’s gained lots of practical and technical experience that translates to her injection skills. Her practice has taught her the importance of listening to client needs and helping people feel comfortable in her care. She’s easygoing and approachable – making her a perfect resource for any questions you may have about treatments. You’ll quickly feel at ease with Jade, and we’re confident that her personality and skills will translate into an awesome experience for you from consult to post-treatment. 



Cosmetics are something Jade has been passionate about since she started nursing. She’s excited to use her skills in the field to give clients the opportunity to enhance their own beauty. Jade values the importance of feeling beautiful and confident in one’s own skin and looks forward to helping people achieve that through her work at Park. 

Joining the Park team was a no-brainer for Jade. She truly believes in the vision to enhance the natural beauty of clients – something we care a lot about. She appreciates (and fits in perfectly with) the welcoming atmosphere and focus on client-centered treatments.  

Jade also worked alongside Dr. Shoghi when she first started her nursing career and is very excited to be rejoining him along with the rest of the team.


In her spare time, Jade enjoys good wine, good coffee and good company. She collects old vinyl, and her happy place is Georgian Bay. So not only is she a great injector, but she’s also a very cool human. 

When it comes down to it, Jade’s just “a small-town girl living in a big city” and we’re really glad she’s here.



Jade is currently available for bookings every other Sunday, using our online portal. If you’d like to keep up with her or ask any questions, feel free to check out her Instagram @jadetranter or head over to Park socials ( to send her a welcome message! 


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