Face PRP
Park providers are excellent injectors and will do everything possible to ensure you achieve your desired results! Here are a few things you can do to improve your results and reduce possible adverse effects.
Come well hydrated to optimize your plasma quality, and have a snack before your appointment to prevent feeling nauseous or faint during the blood draw.
Avoid alcohol, NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc), aspirin, or other anti-inflammatory or blood thinning medications two days before your treatment. If any of these are prescribed by your doctor, check with them before discontinuing.
Avoid exercise or sex six hours before your treatment.
Come without makeup, or plan to remove your makeup when you arrive. If injecting the lower face, beards should be shaven or closely trimmed.
If you have a history of herpes or cold sores, contact your family doctor to discuss an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment.
Small dots that look like goosebumps will occur immediately after your treatment and should resolve within 2 days. Consider scheduling your treatment with this in mind.
You’ll be booked for a post-treatment assessment eight weeks after the last treatment in your series so we can monitor your progress and discuss how to maximize and protect your results.
Some people are not able to have the PRP treatment. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, let us know right away -- we may have to reschedule your treatment or consider an alternative.
You may experience redness and sensitivity that resolves within three days of your treatment.
Rarely, people may experience swelling, redness, pain, itching, mild discolouration, and tenderness at your treatment sites. This is normal and should only last a couple hours. If you experience anything else, please email us so we can assess how we can help.
If you have significant swelling, prolonged redness (beyond a week), worsening discomfort, or any other concerns, please email us so we can assess how we can help.
Guard against infection by keeping the skin clean, especially in the first 48h.
Avoid topical retinol products for 3-4 days after your treatment.
For 3 hours: Remain upright and do not rub your treatment areas. Makeup can be gently applied the day after your treatment.
Avoid alcohol, NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc), aspirin, or other anti-inflammatory or blood thinning medications for 24 hours after your treatment. If any of these are prescribed by your doctor, check with them before discontinuing.
Avoid vitamin E, omega-3, ginseng, garlic, ginkgo, or St. John’s wort supplements for 3-5 days after your treatment.
Avoid exercise, sex, or extreme heat (saunas, sunbathing, hot yoga, etc) for 24 hours after your treatment.
PRP treatments are most effective in a series of 3-4 treatments 4-6 weeks apart, and results usually last 6-9 months. We recommend booking your maintenance treatments in advance to ensure you get a time that works for you.