What should I do after my filler or Botox treatment?

So you’ve just had a Botox or dermal filler treatment. Congratulations! These are super powerful tools to help manage your look. Your expert injector (link to post) has done everything they can to give you a great result, and you followed your pre-treatment instructions (link to post) carefully. Now what? 

These are the three most important things you can do after your treatment to reduce your risk of complications and improve your result: 

1. Do your exercises

Botox is best absorbed while the muscles are contracting -- by activating the muscles we’re targeting, we can increase how much of the Botox makes its way into the neurons we want, giving a stronger effect with a lower dose. Your injector will go over what movements will improve your outcome.  

Actual exercise, of course, can increase your risk for bruising and swelling, so we recommend staying away from the gym for a day or two. Saunas and the beach are also probably not the best ideas right after your treatment. 

Staying upright for at least three hours after your treatment is also important in reducing bruising and swelling. This includes looking down at your phone! 

2. Avoid certain supplements and medications 

Just like before your treatment, you should avoid blood thinning medications like NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, Aleve, etc) and Aspirin, unless prescribed by your doctor. Tylenol is totally fine if you need it. Alcohol is also a no-no for the 2-3 days after your treatment. 

Some products, like arnica, can actually reduce your swelling and bruising. Arnica creams are available at most drug stores and, of course, Amazon. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package! 

3. Avoid pressure 

Your injector carefully placed your Botox or filler exactly where they think will give you the effect you’re after. Pushing it around can cause asymmetry or other adverse effects. Keeping your hands off your face for the day after your injection is best. 

If you absolutely must put on makeup or apply ice, do so extremely gently. Usually the ice we apply in the clinic is enough. Sleeping on your back will also keep your face safe. 

Following these three tips will help ensure you get the best result possible after your Botox or filler treatment. Learn more about Botox, dermal fillers, and our approach


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What should I do before my treatment appointment?