Park Spotlight: Illustrator Daria Domnikova

Illustrator Daria with her hand on cheek wearing pale blue blazer

Those with a keen eye will have noticed our beautiful new illustrations on the Botox and fillers pages of our website and on Instagram. The artwork, highlighting different areas we offer injectables, was created by the exceptionally talented artist, Daria Domnikova. We sat down with Daria to learn a bit more about this incredible creator and her work.

Daria is an illustrator and designer based in Toronto. She moved to the city from a small town in the south of Russia to study illustration at OCAD University. Although her first few winters in the city were an adjustment, she’s made a home for herself here, after investing in a proper jacket and great relationships with the people of Toronto. 

Since graduating, Daria has been working as an illustrator and designer. The multi-talented artist designs posters and packaging, has illustrated a colouring book and is starting a small business for custom portraiture! She finds huge amounts of joy in what she does and has no plans of stopping anytime soon.

Read more about what she shared with us on her journey, inspiration and artwork below.

How would you describe yourself and your artwork?

Definitely optimistic. I think there’s a difference between being optimistic and being blithe; being optimistic is constant work! I wish it wasn’t, but it is. And my (art)work is perhaps an effort to focus on the good things in the world. Funny things I notice, kind and passionate people I meet: an attempt to take them out of my head and make them visible to everyone.

“Art is an experience that’s accessible to everyone”


Why illustration, art and design? 

Art is an experience that’s accessible to everyone. It’s everywhere, in a multitude of shapes and forms. Spaces, products, clothing– every single object surrounding us has been designed. Working in this field makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself. 

What inspires you/your work? 

A few areas that come to mind are:

  • Fashion—because it’s history, art, and culture combined. 

  • Dance—because it’s a conversation that doesn’t require any words. 

  • Architecture–– because it shapes probably 90% of our perception of spaces/life and thoughtful architecture is a gift to humanity. 

  • Queerness, performance art, and people who are true to themselves—because it takes incredible guts to do so. 

  • Barbara Streisand —because she’s a creative powerhouse and I will never get over her talents and her beautiful nose. 


What has your experience been working with Park Medical Cosmetics?

The experience has been an absolutely natural fit. First and foremost, the team are wonderful people.

Secondly, the illustrations we worked on were meant to represent not only the different types of services provided by Park Medical, but a diverse group of people. It’s just very inspiring to work with someone who considers representing diversity like that to be one of their top priorities.

On diversity: 

Diversity is beautiful! It’s necessary! Being an immigrant, I think I’m acutely aware of it: it’s comforting.

Can you tell us about your inspiration for the pieces?

Working on the pieces for Park Medical was the perfect opportunity to utilize my past observations – all of the portraits are based on people I’ve met in my life, people I admire or have personal relationships with. It was also a challenge, and being challenged feeds my inspiration. How do I capture something as dynamic and natural as traces of frowning or signs of aging with a digital design tool? How do I make sure that these 2D pictures reflect Park Medical’s profound philosophy of caring for their clients and their unique features? There was lots of creative multi-tasking and I loved it! 


“All of the portraits are based on people I’ve met in my life, people I admire or have personal relationships with.”

What is your process when it comes to creating?

It all begins with thinking about the project and not putting ideas down on paper right away. Then, when I'm starting to feel the limits of my thinking machine, I move onto sketching. I’ve recently started working primarily with shapes and colours—probably because finding the perfect colour combo has always been the most laborious part for me. I love colour but have come to know I don’t need to master it; it's like trying to be the boss of your cat—an impossible endeavor. I also ask myself, “Would this make sense to anyone who isn’t me?” consistently throughout the process and I think that helps! And then...I stop when it feels right. 

As someone who is fairly new to the city, what are your favourite spots?

It’s an extensive list, but here are some of my favourites. I love the Rosedale Diner—a cozy family-owned restaurant, the Annex, Roncesvalles, Sorry Coffee in Yorkville, and...the dog "bowl” in Trinity Bellwoods. 

Her thoughts on Botox and injections:

Growing up I’d spend a lot of time at the beauty salon my mom worked at (as a hairstylist) - watching people walk in excited, or concerned, and leave transformed, sometimes iridescent with joy. At the end of the day, if I was good, I’d get my nails painted– what a thrill! My first haircut was a pixie cut that I’d make stick up in all directions. It’s a miracle my head never caught on fire for all the flammable products that were in my hair.

All of this to say, I’m definitely no stranger to changing or enhancing one’s appearance. Also, despite being an optimist, I’m a massive frowner. If you connect all of the wrinkles on my forehead they resemble a grumpy face. And though I truly believe there’s nothing wrong with aging and wrinkles, it would be nice if my forehead’s personality was… less surly. The rest of my face just can’t constantly compete for attention. So, Botox doesn’t scare me! To me, it’s just good self-care. 

Where can people find and connect with you?

You can always reach out to me via my insta or drop me an email at or through my website --! Cheers!


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