Park’s high-tech, corrective facials provide you an elevated experience and real, medical-driven results. Here are a few things you can do to improve your results and reduce possible adverse effects.



  • Please arrive without makeup. This will maximize your provider’s ability to cleanse your skin and ensure none of the elements of your facial interact with residual makeup residue.

  • Wear a minimum SPF 30 at all times when outdoors. Severely sunburned skin should not be treated; if you have a mild sunburn, consider our Sunburn Facial.

  • Do not use Accutane (acne medication) for at least 6 months before treatment.

  • Discontinue retinoids (retinol, retinoic acid, tretinoin) for at least 3 days prior to your treatment. Hyaluronic acid is ok.

  • Avoid the use of depilatories, waxing or any product or treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to your treatment.

  • Please ensure that you have not had any injectable neurotoxin or fillers for at least two weeks prior to treatment.

  • If you have a history of herpes or cold sores, contact your family doctor to discuss an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment.

  • Some medications or supplements may increase sensitivity. Consult your technician.


  • Park facials are meant to be corrective, and can occasionally cause mild redness that can last 1-3 hours. Consider booking with this in mind.

While many treatments are not recommended in pregnancy, Park offers a pregnancy-safe facial that targets concerns often experienced by pregnant people. You can book this directly online, or contact us if you have questions. If you have a sunburn and your skin is still quite sensitive, consider scheduling your facial in a week or so.



  • Your skin may have a slight rosy glow for approximately 24-48 hours after treatment. You may also feel like you have a mild sunburn if your skin is extremely sensitive.

  • Acne may temporarily look worse after the first treatment but will improve after additional treatments.


  • If you have swelling, prolonged redness (beyond a week), worsening discomfort, or any other concerns, please email us so we can assess whether we can help.


  • Avoid any irritants such as products containing bleaching creams, Retin A, retinol, glycolic/salicylic acids or astringents for at least 1 week after your treatment.

  • Use a sunscreen every day that blocks both UVA and UVB rays, preferably one containing an SPF30 or higher.

  • You may experience peeling and flaking of the outer, dead layer of skin within the first few days after your treatment. This is uncommon but normal. Do not pick or pull any loosening or peeling skin. This could potentially cause scarring or hyperpigmentation.


  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 1-2 days after your treatment.

  • Avoid submerging the area treated in a chlorinated pool or hot tub for the next 3-5 days.